MPR Certified Leader Trigger

Each link on the trigger below has a quick form to fill out verifying you have completed the process. Some of the links will lead you to videos to watch for that portion of the trigger.

Week One

Click each link below when you have completed the task.

For the Mentor

  • Review study guide pages 1-7 for at least one hour

  • Spend 15 minutes reviewing home assignments.

  • Start working on grill & fry calibrations

Week Two

Take John Maxwell’s course “The Leaders Greatest Return.”

Follow the instructions below to watch the video.


  2. Login:

  3. Pass: fiveguys01

  4. Go to “library”

  5. Start the “Leaders Greatest Return”

  6. Confirm Course Completion

For the Mentor

  • Review study guide pages 1-7 for at least one hour.

  • Spend 15 minutes reviewing home assignments.

  • Continue working on grill & fry calibrations.

  • Start working on boil outs & shake assembly.

Week Three

Watch John Maxwell’s lesson titled “The Definition of Leadership & Influence.” Follow the instructions below to watch the video.

    • Use the same login info from the course listed above under week two.

    • Select “Developing the Leader Within You”

    • Watch lesson one - “The Definition of Leadership & Influence”

Confirm course completion

Complete Quiz #1 Pages 1-7

For the Mentor

  • Review study guide pages 1-7 for at least one hour & review the results of their practice quiz with them.

  • Continue working on grill & fry calibrations.

  • Spend 15 minutes reviewing home assignments.

  • Continue working on boil outs & shake assembly.

Week four

Read “How we Lead.”

For the Mentor

  • Review study guide pages 8-14 for at least one hour.

  • Continue working on grill & fry calibrations

  • Continue working on boil outs & shake assembly

Week five

Click “Listen to Podcast” link below when you have completed the podcast.

Click “link to podcast” to listen to the podcast.

Complete Quiz #2 Pages 8-14

For the Mentor

  • Review study guide pages 8-14 for at least one hour & review the results of practice quiz #2.

  • Spend 15 minutes reviewing home assignments.

  • Continue working on grill & fry calibrations.

  • Continue working on boil outs & shake assembly.

Week six

Click the three links below when you have completed the tasks.

For the Mentor

  • Review study guide pages 15-22 for at least one hour.

  • Spend 15 minutes reviewing home assignments.

  • Continue working on grill & fry calibrations.

  • Continue working on boil outs & shake assembly.

Week seven

Click to two links below to complete the taks.

DM Kitchen sign-off

Complete Quiz #3 Pages 15-22

For the Mentor

  • Review study guide pages 15-22 for at least one hour & review results of practice quiz #3.

  • Spend 15 minutes reviewing home assignments.

  • Continue working on grill & fry calibrations.

  • Continue working on boil outs & shake assembly.

Week Eight

DM Final Sit Down

Fry calibrations (Online verification link)

Grill calibrations (Online verification link)

Boil Outs (Online verification link)

Shake machine disassemble, clean & reassemble (Online verification link)

For the Mentor

  • Final study guide review for one hour.

  • Final grill & fry calibration review.

  • Ensure all grill & fry calibrations are complete along with boil outs & shake assembly’s.

Watch this video so you know what to expect during your Five Guys certification.