Scholarship program

Are you a high school senior? Or are you currently enrolled in college? Wouldn’t you like some extra cash for college? Check out what we have to offer!


  • Enrolled in college (currently or upcoming semester)

  • 3.0 GPA

  • Submit scholarship application (submit form below to get started)

  • Volunteer at four fundraisers

  • Employed for at least six months before eligible (January 1st 2024 at the latest)

We have four $500 scholarships available that will be paid out in July 2024.

Don’t miss your opportunity to apply!

Deadline to apply is January 15th 2024

How does it work?

  1. Fill out the application

  2. Log your fundraisers

  3. Log your GPA*

  4. Why do you want the scholarship?

    *Your GPA will need to up updated before the scholarship is awarded